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Your Job Search Pit Crew

Jason DiSalvo couldn't be a successful racer without his pit crew — they fuel him up, change out his tires, and make minute adjustments to get him across the finish line. 
Think of the http://action-without-theory.blogspot.com/ resume team as your pit crew. Even if you've got mad skills and a killer resume, it is well worth the $29 to have our team of experts give your resume one final review for key mistakes in grammar, spelling and formatting.  
Just a few errant keystrokes can move your resume from the top of the pile to the recycling bin, and the spellcheck function isn't foolproof. 
Add an extra "y" and "Looking for a part-time position" turns into "Looking for a party-time position." Drop an "s" and "Skilled motorcycle mechanic" reads more like a rap sheet as "Killed motorcycle mechanic."
We all need a support crew. While you friends and family usually have the best intentions, you can't necessarily trust them to give it to you straight — at MIJ our main goal is to help you land your dream job. Click here, and we'll help you perfect your resume today.

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